Natural fruit & plant weight loss Pills.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fruta Planta-DAY6, 7, 8

May 6, Thursday.
162.9 Pounds.

Wow. From Day 5 of 163.6 pounds, I now am back to 1.7 pounds lower than the first starting day. 164.6 pound. 

I still do not feel much of  side effects. I tried today with warm water this morning. I cannot tell the difference.

May 7, Friday.

163.9 Pounds?
What is up with this. I feel bloated. Hmmm.. I had sushi for lunch. 

May 8, Saturday.

Back to 162.5 pounds. Gee... I have my appetite back, but not to the full length.  Chinese lunch. So overall, I did not do anything unusual, other than like 3 liters of water with  standard training schedule.

I ate what is there.. But I lost 2.1pds woohoo


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fruta Planta-DAY3,4,5

May 3rd-May 5th 2010

163.6 pounds
When I weighed myself on May 3rd, I gained 0.3 pounds. It turned out I only took  1/3 or less of pill. I was hungry for lunch like before and I ate full plate of assembled nachos. I am still wondering how they set the dosage. 

May 4th, took 1/2+ of pill and off to business trip. I had one can of unsweetened tomato juices and 1 dry persimmons and 3 liters of water. I am sure I lost the weight, but no scale @ hotel. Ah, I switched Cymbalta 60 mg to evening. No side effect. Actually, combining seems to make me bit more happier.

May 5th, took another 1/2+ of pill and did all business things. Again, no weighing. But I was so hungry in the morning, I did eat 1 bagel with cream cheese and some egg looking stuff with coffee.. I had cold Mcdonald cheeseburgers and cold small fries on the go.. sometimes, you have to what you have to do.. My flight home is not until 8:00pm, so I had DD bagel with egg&ham for dinner. I probably would not like my weight tomorrow. I am going back to full dosage.. somehow, they seem to have it right. 

Mixing Cymbalta with this Fruta Planta appears to be Ok. Now, I formed a theory on UTI with Fruta Planta. 

With Fruta Planta, you eat less. So, less goes in, less comes out. But it stays in long, so hygiene routine has to be changed or add some yogurt. Otherwise, it might cause UTI. My again theory of no data point. It has been 3 days since I have been to ..uhhh.. I am getting a bit worried. So, there is one side effect.

So far, everything seems normal other than that. No fast heart beating or any other usual diet pill.  

Wait, I did notice today that there appears to be a small mood swing.  I was raged for 5 min or so, when someone was driving 50 miles/hr on the fast lane, taking all the fun out of driving a fast car.. But it is also possible that that person saved me from crashing too. I will pay more attention to the mood swing and I asked my mate to do as well. 

Let's see how my weight is tomorrow.  I am getting to think that these pills that I bought are not really fake or maybe half fake. It is not a dummy pill..pills are passing my non-scientific, but effective testing.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fruta Planta-DAY2

May 3rd, 2010, Monday. Morning.

163.3 Pd.

Not much of thought of food last night. But had one strong drink and I drank like 3 liters of water.  Night time was strange, I did get more sleep than usual, not exactly relaxing, but not exactly staying up. So, Fruta planta does not make it worse for me.

So I lost 1.2 pounds in a day.

I decide to take 1/2 only. So I open the capsule and dump 1/2 of the content. Brownish powder. Today, I took it with hot coffee and 1/2 pita bread with some peanut butter before heading to work. I feel tiny bit of headache, then again, I am going back to work after 10 days of break. 


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fruta Planta-Fake pills and non-fake pills.

I know web is a jungle. And I love to experience it, in the jungle of Fruta Planta-otherwise known as "Natural Fruit and Plant Weight Loss Slimming Capsule"

Apparently, no one knows who supplies real ones and who supplies fake ones. No one knows how they can tell whether they bought real ones or not, including me. So here it is .. I am going to update as I do more research. 

Here are what they are arguing about packaging and price. My comment is in red.

1. Wrong spelling "weight" vs "wieght"--> That is lame. we are talking Chinese here. I can assure you that the next batch will have correct spelling or wrong spelling. Mine arrived yesterday (May 1, 2010) was marked production date of March 18, 2010 and expiration date of Mach 17, 2013. So when did you but yours?

2. Foil: Silver foil on both sides or silver/green foil either side. 
--> I have not seen any green/silver foil yet. All pictures other than this lady ( I think) @ amazon are showing silver/silver with 4 lines of incomprehensible words.  I will check on Oriental Markets. This is something that I could research.
3. Seal: Authentication seals? is it Spanish or English
--Seals are comforting. But as this Fruta-Planta market grows, making counterfeiting seals is nothing to compare to counterfeiting $$$ with less ristk.  So, I would not count on it. 

4. How many seals? 
---> You are kidding right? Each seals might cost 0.00001Cents.  Totally waste of time.

5. What language is seals written?
---> You are kidding right? Anyone can differentiate counterfeit? There are a few who can, but I doubt that they will spend time.  Totally waste of time.
6. Price "$39.99?" or  $4.91-6.50 for 30 pills ( month supply)
--->Rule1: Buy expensive one if you are not sure.. There are more than a few out there using that herd psychologies. Heck most of the stock market is based on that.
I see $30.00 per box for this Fruta Planta in some website. I can tell you one thing. It does not tell you anything.

7. When you buy a full 12/25/50 boxes all are the same or not?
---> I am not getting here either. Someone was complaining that the boxes are not all the same on the next batch, something like that. Ok, I am sad that this is used as a proof. 

8. Who is the supplier:

--> Now, that is the question I would like to investigate. Who is the real manufacturer and who is putting a seal and who is the supplier in USA.. I shall be investigating.

Then there is actual performance:

1. 1 week weight loss of 5-10+ pounds? or nothing

--> Ah, performance. this is real. But who is telling the truth. I would like get a real stat.  A real performance data.. . I will be working on this.

2. Does that make you get rash or acne (side effect /allergic effect)

--> Ah, this is good too. This is what good oriental medicine doc aparts from the "pseudo oriental doc". I should know. I have been to many for same symptoms but only a few can make a difference, since they can read my problem and solve it without causing more problem.

3. Lead! It has in it.. If you are a kind of young (like less than 20 years old), you want to avoid it.

--> It might. I am not worried.. I am over 21.

4. If you are taking anti-depressant, there is this ingredient that will increase the effect, so don't mix.. You will die if you do.

--> From what I read, this stuff appears work as  what is known as  a "booster" of anti-depressant. But this is a hairy stuff.  Your doc will tell you not to drink with your anti-depressant. Reality is that I do not know anyone who does not drink while taking anti-depressant. But that does not make is any less dangerous.  So, I will investigate this one claim as well. Is it a booster or a killer or is it the same thing.

Now my analysis of reviews:

So far, almost all positive reviews are appears to be coming from someone from the seller side.. You got it! all five star rating.. now they are clever.. they actually buy from so it say "purchase verified"!

You know not to trust anyone who has 5 stars and has only one review. I actually checked. Many of them have only one review of this product (Fruta Planta) with five star rating. I would not buy that.

But so are the "Be Aware" reviews-he/she does not tell where it was bought.  If that person is so strongly believe that everything sold in Amazon are fake to the point to post same review several times to different vendor websites.. hmm.. that is too far gone left/right too.

So, I am doing some research.  I will post it as I search for truth of navigate this jungle. This is fun.. Too bad, my day time job has to start again tomoorow.. My vacation is over.

But, let me start with my Chinese doctors.  

How would anyone knows that what's on the box is real Chinese or it means something in Chinese. Just thinking loud.


Fruta Planta-DAY1


Front & back of my possibly "Fake" 360 Natural Fruit & plant weight pill ( now it is 359 pills): BTW, why can I just move this bottom picture to the center? I should be able to do this after loading up.


Day 1: May 2, 2010

164.50 Pounds.

Ordered 360 pills of Natural Fruit & plant weight loss from
"Japan 2 day Ling Zhi Diet" for $68.99[not including shipping & tax] and it arrived yesterday, with an apology:" sorry for being late.. too many request recently... ".

Boxes show silver labels on both sides near the image of fruit. Some export type of seal on one side. I found a review posting about the pills in today warning about fake weight loss pills. It says real pills have green color foil on one side and silver color foil on the other side. Mine has silver color foil on both sides. And real pills should cost ~$34.00 per 30 pills, $408 for 360 pills, not $68.99 for 360 pills.

Aha, read the label. Interesting. Anyone?
" Take easily specially the same day never healthily safely"

So, I have 360 fake pills on my hand according to the reviewer. Gee.. Thanks.
What am I going to do with this? Am I going to die taking this? Or is it just going to be a sugar pill. Return to Amazon and endlessly looking for a "real" pills like I would know if I find one? Would checking company called "
Japan 2 day Ling Zhi Diet" @ help? I doubt it.  I also noticed that the box is shipped from " Blue Sky Health, Monterey Park, CA".  

I could just skip the whole thing, but I am really tired of "that-does-not-fit-anymore" routine.

I did my research(ok, apparently not well, since I might have acquired fake pills)  and this pill appears something I could try ( I could go on and one on this subject of how I managed to reach this conclusion, but some other time). 

So live dangerously. I am taking it.
Direction says "One tablet once daily, before or after breakfast with boiled water".
I took one pill @9:00am with cold water.

Now, everyone knows that data extrapolation from single data point is an awesome practice.[Journal of irreproducibility] So here is very important one data point. Tada..

Usual breakfast at 9:30am.. It's Sunday.
2 pieces of whole wheat toasts with some peanut butter with really GOOD coffee. So far no side effect.

My mate showed me 3 large bags of barks. Dreading. Got out. Expecting falling off in 10 min, but keep going. Where is this energy come from? At 1:00pm, my mate cooked (well, assembled) great Nachos for lunch with very rare bubbly. Now it is funny. I don't feel hungry. I actually made nacho sandwich (Tm, mind you; 2 pieces of large sliced tomatoes with bean, cheese, salsa, & chips filling), basically nibbling, and I do not hug bubbly either. I see my mate watching me with great interest.

So far, I do not feel anything unusual. No fast beating heart, no cold sweat.. I feel a bit thirsty. Perhaps because I was gardening, maybe not.. A bit of dry mouth, but I live @dry place. A bit energetic? maybe.  While I was writing this, however, I am experiencing very very mild headache. Granted, I am checking, looking for any sign of unusual-ness.  Definitely thirsty. So, I am going to have another glass of water.

I will see what happens tonight. But so far so good. 

