Natural fruit & plant weight loss Pills.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fruta Planta-Fake pills and non-fake pills.

I know web is a jungle. And I love to experience it, in the jungle of Fruta Planta-otherwise known as "Natural Fruit and Plant Weight Loss Slimming Capsule"

Apparently, no one knows who supplies real ones and who supplies fake ones. No one knows how they can tell whether they bought real ones or not, including me. So here it is .. I am going to update as I do more research. 

Here are what they are arguing about packaging and price. My comment is in red.

1. Wrong spelling "weight" vs "wieght"--> That is lame. we are talking Chinese here. I can assure you that the next batch will have correct spelling or wrong spelling. Mine arrived yesterday (May 1, 2010) was marked production date of March 18, 2010 and expiration date of Mach 17, 2013. So when did you but yours?

2. Foil: Silver foil on both sides or silver/green foil either side. 
--> I have not seen any green/silver foil yet. All pictures other than this lady ( I think) @ amazon are showing silver/silver with 4 lines of incomprehensible words.  I will check on Oriental Markets. This is something that I could research.
3. Seal: Authentication seals? is it Spanish or English
--Seals are comforting. But as this Fruta-Planta market grows, making counterfeiting seals is nothing to compare to counterfeiting $$$ with less ristk.  So, I would not count on it. 

4. How many seals? 
---> You are kidding right? Each seals might cost 0.00001Cents.  Totally waste of time.

5. What language is seals written?
---> You are kidding right? Anyone can differentiate counterfeit? There are a few who can, but I doubt that they will spend time.  Totally waste of time.
6. Price "$39.99?" or  $4.91-6.50 for 30 pills ( month supply)
--->Rule1: Buy expensive one if you are not sure.. There are more than a few out there using that herd psychologies. Heck most of the stock market is based on that.
I see $30.00 per box for this Fruta Planta in some website. I can tell you one thing. It does not tell you anything.

7. When you buy a full 12/25/50 boxes all are the same or not?
---> I am not getting here either. Someone was complaining that the boxes are not all the same on the next batch, something like that. Ok, I am sad that this is used as a proof. 

8. Who is the supplier:

--> Now, that is the question I would like to investigate. Who is the real manufacturer and who is putting a seal and who is the supplier in USA.. I shall be investigating.

Then there is actual performance:

1. 1 week weight loss of 5-10+ pounds? or nothing

--> Ah, performance. this is real. But who is telling the truth. I would like get a real stat.  A real performance data.. . I will be working on this.

2. Does that make you get rash or acne (side effect /allergic effect)

--> Ah, this is good too. This is what good oriental medicine doc aparts from the "pseudo oriental doc". I should know. I have been to many for same symptoms but only a few can make a difference, since they can read my problem and solve it without causing more problem.

3. Lead! It has in it.. If you are a kind of young (like less than 20 years old), you want to avoid it.

--> It might. I am not worried.. I am over 21.

4. If you are taking anti-depressant, there is this ingredient that will increase the effect, so don't mix.. You will die if you do.

--> From what I read, this stuff appears work as  what is known as  a "booster" of anti-depressant. But this is a hairy stuff.  Your doc will tell you not to drink with your anti-depressant. Reality is that I do not know anyone who does not drink while taking anti-depressant. But that does not make is any less dangerous.  So, I will investigate this one claim as well. Is it a booster or a killer or is it the same thing.

Now my analysis of reviews:

So far, almost all positive reviews are appears to be coming from someone from the seller side.. You got it! all five star rating.. now they are clever.. they actually buy from so it say "purchase verified"!

You know not to trust anyone who has 5 stars and has only one review. I actually checked. Many of them have only one review of this product (Fruta Planta) with five star rating. I would not buy that.

But so are the "Be Aware" reviews-he/she does not tell where it was bought.  If that person is so strongly believe that everything sold in Amazon are fake to the point to post same review several times to different vendor websites.. hmm.. that is too far gone left/right too.

So, I am doing some research.  I will post it as I search for truth of navigate this jungle. This is fun.. Too bad, my day time job has to start again tomoorow.. My vacation is over.

But, let me start with my Chinese doctors.  

How would anyone knows that what's on the box is real Chinese or it means something in Chinese. Just thinking loud.


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