Natural fruit & plant weight loss Pills.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fruta Planta-DAY1


Front & back of my possibly "Fake" 360 Natural Fruit & plant weight pill ( now it is 359 pills): BTW, why can I just move this bottom picture to the center? I should be able to do this after loading up.


Day 1: May 2, 2010

164.50 Pounds.

Ordered 360 pills of Natural Fruit & plant weight loss from
"Japan 2 day Ling Zhi Diet" for $68.99[not including shipping & tax] and it arrived yesterday, with an apology:" sorry for being late.. too many request recently... ".

Boxes show silver labels on both sides near the image of fruit. Some export type of seal on one side. I found a review posting about the pills in today warning about fake weight loss pills. It says real pills have green color foil on one side and silver color foil on the other side. Mine has silver color foil on both sides. And real pills should cost ~$34.00 per 30 pills, $408 for 360 pills, not $68.99 for 360 pills.

Aha, read the label. Interesting. Anyone?
" Take easily specially the same day never healthily safely"

So, I have 360 fake pills on my hand according to the reviewer. Gee.. Thanks.
What am I going to do with this? Am I going to die taking this? Or is it just going to be a sugar pill. Return to Amazon and endlessly looking for a "real" pills like I would know if I find one? Would checking company called "
Japan 2 day Ling Zhi Diet" @ help? I doubt it.  I also noticed that the box is shipped from " Blue Sky Health, Monterey Park, CA".  

I could just skip the whole thing, but I am really tired of "that-does-not-fit-anymore" routine.

I did my research(ok, apparently not well, since I might have acquired fake pills)  and this pill appears something I could try ( I could go on and one on this subject of how I managed to reach this conclusion, but some other time). 

So live dangerously. I am taking it.
Direction says "One tablet once daily, before or after breakfast with boiled water".
I took one pill @9:00am with cold water.

Now, everyone knows that data extrapolation from single data point is an awesome practice.[Journal of irreproducibility] So here is very important one data point. Tada..

Usual breakfast at 9:30am.. It's Sunday.
2 pieces of whole wheat toasts with some peanut butter with really GOOD coffee. So far no side effect.

My mate showed me 3 large bags of barks. Dreading. Got out. Expecting falling off in 10 min, but keep going. Where is this energy come from? At 1:00pm, my mate cooked (well, assembled) great Nachos for lunch with very rare bubbly. Now it is funny. I don't feel hungry. I actually made nacho sandwich (Tm, mind you; 2 pieces of large sliced tomatoes with bean, cheese, salsa, & chips filling), basically nibbling, and I do not hug bubbly either. I see my mate watching me with great interest.

So far, I do not feel anything unusual. No fast beating heart, no cold sweat.. I feel a bit thirsty. Perhaps because I was gardening, maybe not.. A bit of dry mouth, but I live @dry place. A bit energetic? maybe.  While I was writing this, however, I am experiencing very very mild headache. Granted, I am checking, looking for any sign of unusual-ness.  Definitely thirsty. So, I am going to have another glass of water.

I will see what happens tonight. But so far so good. 



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