Natural fruit & plant weight loss Pills.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fruta Planta-DAY3,4,5

May 3rd-May 5th 2010

163.6 pounds
When I weighed myself on May 3rd, I gained 0.3 pounds. It turned out I only took  1/3 or less of pill. I was hungry for lunch like before and I ate full plate of assembled nachos. I am still wondering how they set the dosage. 

May 4th, took 1/2+ of pill and off to business trip. I had one can of unsweetened tomato juices and 1 dry persimmons and 3 liters of water. I am sure I lost the weight, but no scale @ hotel. Ah, I switched Cymbalta 60 mg to evening. No side effect. Actually, combining seems to make me bit more happier.

May 5th, took another 1/2+ of pill and did all business things. Again, no weighing. But I was so hungry in the morning, I did eat 1 bagel with cream cheese and some egg looking stuff with coffee.. I had cold Mcdonald cheeseburgers and cold small fries on the go.. sometimes, you have to what you have to do.. My flight home is not until 8:00pm, so I had DD bagel with egg&ham for dinner. I probably would not like my weight tomorrow. I am going back to full dosage.. somehow, they seem to have it right. 

Mixing Cymbalta with this Fruta Planta appears to be Ok. Now, I formed a theory on UTI with Fruta Planta. 

With Fruta Planta, you eat less. So, less goes in, less comes out. But it stays in long, so hygiene routine has to be changed or add some yogurt. Otherwise, it might cause UTI. My again theory of no data point. It has been 3 days since I have been to ..uhhh.. I am getting a bit worried. So, there is one side effect.

So far, everything seems normal other than that. No fast heart beating or any other usual diet pill.  

Wait, I did notice today that there appears to be a small mood swing.  I was raged for 5 min or so, when someone was driving 50 miles/hr on the fast lane, taking all the fun out of driving a fast car.. But it is also possible that that person saved me from crashing too. I will pay more attention to the mood swing and I asked my mate to do as well. 

Let's see how my weight is tomorrow.  I am getting to think that these pills that I bought are not really fake or maybe half fake. It is not a dummy pill..pills are passing my non-scientific, but effective testing.

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